SMS gateway
A secure solution for sending and receiving SMS, with options for seamless integration of payment solutions.
Strex Connect SMS gateway
With Strex SMS Gateway you can integrate SMS functionality to your systems and platforms. Make SMS available to your customers through your CRM, customer club solution, application, or website.
One API: Functions as send and receive SMS, make payments, do number lookups, and secure sending of one-time passwords for secure login, and much more. New functions and solutions, such as RCS communication, will also be made available in the same API.
Our Rest API and SDKs have the highest level of security in the market. It is also possible to set up an isolated gateway, geo-redundancy, and the strongest end-to-end encryption and stored data.
The API access supports single payment and subscription payments with the functions:
✔ Direct payment in web and app
✔ SMS payment

∙ Send and receive SMS
∙ Supports direct and planned sending
∙ Modify or delete messages that have not yet been sent
∙ Support At-Most-Once with a dual mechanism for protection against duplicate transmission
∙ Message priority (low, normal, high) throughout the system from A to Z
∙ Support for sub-number solution (Norwegian 4- and 5-digit short code)
∙ All Strex payment methods including OTP (One Time Password)
∙ Number lookup (Norway)
∙ Highest security (A-rated SSL certificate and API signing with private/public key)
∙ Own sub domain with HTTPS and SSL certificate (supports requirements for TLS 1.2)
∙ Dedicated API / gateway
∙ Dedicated and scalable database with 99.99% SLA, encrypted.
∙ Full redundancy and geo-redundancy with auto-failover
∙ Possibility of IP restriction and VPN if desired